Past events and activities
Organ Concert
Glynn Stackhouse
Talk – God’s House in Ewelme
Dr John Goodall
Bring an item for valuation by Simon Jones of Jacobs & Jones, Auctioneers. Saturday 24th March in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. (doors open at 6.30p.m.) Tickets £15 each, to include a ploughman's style supper, are available from Ewelme Village Store
Friends Party
All Friends and guests are warmly welcomed to our first party. Tickets, £15, can be purchased from:
Chips Gell - 825826, Jill Butchart - 837545, or from Ewelme Village Store
Henry VIII: A life of building ...
from Ewelme to Windsor. A talk by Dr. Jonathan Foyle, historian and broadcaster, well known for his BBC TV series 'Climbing Great Buildings'. Tickets £15 from Ewelme Village Store, or from Chips Gell (01491 825826) or Jill Butchart (01491 837545)
Ewelme's History - A Look at the The National Archive
A talk by Oliver Morley, Chief Executive and Keeper:
A light-hearted explanation of how the official archive of the UK Government works
Orlando Jopling Cello Concert
Orlando Jopling, cellist, will be giving a concert in Ewelme Church. Tickets - £15 each, to include a glass of wine - from Ewelme Village Store, Chips Gell 01491 835262 or Jill Butchart 01491 837545. See also
A thousand years of Ewelme: new work by the Victoria County History
A talk by Dr Simon Townley about the VCH research into the history of Ewelme. Tickets, £10 each, to include a glass of wine, can be obtained from Deborah Whitfeld (835262), Jill Butchart (837545) or from Ewelme Village Store (from February).
Ewelme in 1914: Peace and War
A talk by Dr Kate Tiller (who also wrote the new guide to the church). Tickets £15, to include drinks and food, available from Deborah Whitfeld at The Hyde, Ewelme OX10 6HP (01491 835262) and Ewelme Village Store from mid September
The Band of Music - Recital
This recital, by a group of young musicians specialising in early music and playing on baroque and classical instruments, will include Purcell and Mozart.
Tickets are £15 each from Ewelme Village Store, Sally Fehr (824822) or Deborah Whitfeld (83526
A Musical Evening with the People’s Ukulele Brigade
A Musical Evening with the People’s Ukulele Brigade directed by Sam Brown.
Tickets will cost £10 each to include a glass of wine.
For further information, contact Deborah Whitfeld on 01491 835262 or e-mail:
Three Pressed Men pre-Christmas Concert - 11th December 2016
Three Pressed Men will give a pre-Christmas Concert on Friday 11th December at 7.30 p.m. in the Church. They will sing traditional English songs and tunes with attitude. Tickets cost £10 each to include a glass of wine and eats and are available from Ewelme Village Store or via our e-mail.
Professor Orme to describe life in early English schools in the 15C – 4th March 2016
On Friday 4th March 2016, in Ewelme Church, Professor Nicholas Orme will give a talk entitled ‘Going to school in the fifteenth century’. Professor Orme is an expert on early education and he will describe life at Ewelme School and other early English schools. Tickets will cost £10 each and are available from Ewelme Store or by emailing Please e-mail for further details.
Thames Valley Chorus - Male voice choir
We are holding a concert with the Thames Valley Chorus, a male voice choir who sing in Barbershop style and perform a wide range of popular music.
Tickets cost £10 each to include wine and nibbles.
For further information and to reserve tickets: please e-mail
Benson and its links with Ewelme
We welcome the return of Dr. Simon Townley, who will give a talk entitled ‘Benson and its links with Ewelme.
Tickets will cost £10 each to include wine and eats.
For further information and to reserve tickets: please e-mail
Performance by Chaconne Brass ensemble
Chaconne Brass, a brilliant and versatile ensemble, will perform a diverse programme of music.
Tickets cost £15, including a glass of wine and eats, if bought before the evening. For further information, please email:
Music from the Jericho Choir
Friday 9th March at 7.30 p.m. in the Church: the Jericho Choir, based in Oxford, will perform a wide range of music – jazz, folk, pop, classical and more – in a very entertaining concert.
Tickets cost £10 each to include a glass of wine. Available from Ewelme Village Store, Derry's Den in Benson or please email
Jones & Jacobs - Antiques Roadshow
An Antiques Roadshow with Simon Jones of the Auctioneers Jones & Jacobs
More details to follow.
Ukelele Band Concert
We are holding a concert with Sam Brown and her fabulous Ukulele Band on Friday 10th May at 7.30 p.m. in the Church. Tickets will cost £10 each to include a glass of wine and will be available from early March by emailing or from Ewelme Village Store.
Moonrakers concert in Ewelme Church
We are holding a concert with the Moonrakers, a talented group of four musicians from Oxford who will perform both traditional and contemporary folk music:
Tickets cost £15 each and include a glass of wine. Tickets are available from Ewelme Village Store, Derry’s Den, Benson or by email:
‘From Gravestones to Graffiti’, an illustrated talk by Nigel Rees
‘From Gravestones to Graffiti’, an illustrated talk by Nigel Rees, the writer and Radio 4 host. Friday 24th April at 7.30 p.m. in Ewelme Village Hall. Tickets will cost £12 each and include a glass of wine and eats and will be available from Ewelme Shop, Derry’s Den, Benson or by email:
Digging For Gold - illustrated talk by Martin Cook
‘Digging for Gold’ - an illustrated Talk by Martin Cook, a R.H.S. Gold Medal Winner and stone carver together with the opening of the Flower Festival.
6.30 p.m: The opening of the Flower Festival when wine and refreshments will be served followed by the Talk at 7.30 p.m.
Tickets cost £15 each and will be available from Ewelme Village Store and Derry’s Den, Benson. For more details please email
The Flower Festival ‘Combined Harvest’
The floral displays throughout the church will feature a variety of different harvests arranged by a group of local florists.
The Flower festival is on Sat 25th & Sunday 26th 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Entrance £2 for adults.
The Harvest Festival Service will take place at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 26th September.
From Gravestones to Graffiti - Nigel Rees
Friday 19th November at 7.30. in Ewelme Village Hall.
‘From Gravestones to Graffiti.’ A talk by Nigel Rees, Radio 4 broadcaster.
More details to follow.
‘Spring Serenade’ Concert
Performed by Minerva:
Polly Armitage - Flute
Heather Birt - Viola
Jennifer Hil - Harp
To include works by Elgar, Debussy and Vaughan Williams
Tickets: £15
From Ewelme Village Store, Derry’s Den and
Farming in Ewelme
An Illustrated Talk by Sally Stocking and Philip Chamberlain as part of the Festival of Ewelme
Tickets: £5 (available on the door)
An Illustrative talk by The Lord Jay of Ewelme
When: 7.30pm, Friday, 25th November
Where: Ewelme Village Hall
Tickets £15 each including a glass of wine
Tickets will be available from October from Ewelme Store or Derrys Den, Benson
A talk by Professor Robert Hazell CBE at Ewelme Village Hall
Tickets cost £15 and include a glass of wine or soft drink
Tickets are available from Ticketsource -
An illustrative talk By Alison Weir
When: 7.30pm, Thursday, 1st June 2023
Where: Ewelme Church
Tickets cost £15 and include a glass of wine
Tickets are available from
Jazz Evening with The Rascals of Rhythm
We are holding a Cafe-Style Jazz Evening with The Rascals of Rhythm, a local band, who will play a variety of jazz plus well known music from the 30s, 40s and 50s.
Tickets cost £15 each and include a glass of wine or locally brewed beer and are available from TicketSource. There will also be a cash bar.
Travel the world without leaving Ewelme
‘Travel the world without leaving Ewelme’. A talk by the author Peter Adamson.
Friday 15th March at 7.30 p.m. in Ewelme Village Hall.
Tickets cost £15 each and include a glass of wine. Available from and from Ewelme Village Store.